A day late

Monday, September 3, 2018

We had a busy weekend and I’m going to need some extra sleep before launching into the fall schedule that begins tomorrow.

The concert on Friday night was very popular; we were at capacity with the crowd that came out. The Hall was co-sponsoring the event with the music festival, which meant that we gave the space rent-free. But me, being me, stepped in when I thought things should be done or taken care of. The festival provided coffee, tea and a few cookies but I found myself constantly filling water jugs and picking up tea bags and used cups and glasses throughout the evening. Although they had volunteers (who sat in the audience) I was asked to look after the merchandise table; I did that but I also promoted membership for the Hall. At the end of the evening the festival folks did the dishes and I swept the floors. It was more work than I anticipated for the evening; I’ve made the suggestion to the festival that next year the Hall should run the concession and they seemed to be agreeable to that. Our own volunteers are much better trained and if we’re doing the work we should at least have something to put in the bank at the end of the night.

We were on the first ferry to Texada on Saturday morning. The party wasn’t until 6 PM but they suggested that we come a bit early. I made up my Mexican Dip (you’d be hard pressed to call the sprinkling of olives, green onions and cheese actual layers) and then Pat and I spent the afternoon in the hammocks. I put everything except the dressing on the Spinach Salad and off we went about 5:30. It was a nice party and not the “shit show” Heather (Jamie’s wife) warned that it might be. We met a few new folks from Texada but I spent most of the evening chatting with Bev, our neighbour at the bottom of the hill.

We were back on the first ferry to Powell River on Sunday morning. We had enough time at home to unload everything before we headed out to a day at the music festival; Pat did sound on Friday night and earned each of us a festival pass. It wasn’t very warm and I wore my sweater most of the day. About the time I wondered how I was going to keep warm for the evening performances it started to rain so we bailed on the festival and came home about 6.

I spent most of the morning working on Cranberry Hall stuff. Our Board meeting is on Wednesday so I needed to get the agenda out today and that meant I had to get the financial reporting finished to go along with it. And there were a few follow-up e-mails I needed to get out and a couple of phone calls that I needed to make.

Sunday is usually my day to work on sampler blocks and cards but since I was busy yesterday I’ve been working on them today. I have some hand work to do on a couple of cards (along with the quilting that can be done ahead of time) and I have the current block of the Splendid Sampler 2 project cut out and ready to go. I still need to find a pattern for one card; let me rephrase that – I know what I want to make for the card I’m just not sure I have time to get it done and in the mail before my cut-off date.

We had friends drop in for tea this afternoon and now it is almost supper time so I may not get to any sewing today. It’s a good thing I have a project that is easy to pack for tomorrow.