Finally, a few stitches

Thursday, June 7, 2018

I spent a bit of time with my cross stitch this morning – I like to do a bit each day with my coffee (and it keeps me away from games on my iPad). Sadly the last strand I worked with all had to be taken out as I misread the pattern. Oh well, by now I have it restitched and can start fresh tomorrow morning.

I had a massage today; since I started working in the garden I’ve had a very sore neck. Pat says it is probably from reaching too far to grab at the weeds. Carrying heavy packages last week at the show didn’t help any either. When I was finished I asked if I should book another appointment. The therapist said, “You are definitely twisted so it would probably be a good idea”. It’s okay if a medical professional calls you twisted isn’t it?

We were only a group of two at sewing this afternoon. Jessie is on a trip to the East Coast for a month. Apparently the week I was away they didn’t even sew – they sat on the deck and chatted. So the bags didn’t get any closer to being done; I made some progress on mine this week and I think the worst of the stitching is done. Gail spent the afternoon on her computer with brief interruptions to tell me “You need to see this”!

I’m off to the Guild meeting tonight.