Another desk day

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

I’ve spent another full day at my desk. I met a renter at the Hall this morning at nine but I was only home for about an hour before heading out the door for another appointment at 10:30. I had a few errands to take care of and it was noon before I was home again. I did a bit of cleaning while I waited for another renter to come by the house, and then I headed back upstairs for more sorting out.

I have a full day tomorrow and I knew there would be no time to get my Guild reports ready so I finished them this afternoon. Not only is it our regular business meeting, but it is also our Annual General Meeting. Three reports for each meeting leaves me with six reports to present. Next I’ll have to start work on my Cranberry Hall reports for Friday.

I had a bit of time yesterday to sort through some of my Farmer’s Daughter blocks. I had a revelation regarding the project while we were at Quilt Canada and I bought a few more fabrics from the same designer in order to have enough fabric to work around the changes I plan to make. I didn’t get very far, but I know I need only a few more blocks of some of the neutral colours so I’ll start on those.

My Challenge for June (because I swapped out some of the projects to make it happen) is my Farmer’s Wife quilt. I thought I had about 80 of the blocks done but it turns out my notes show me with 93 blocks completed. I may want to redo some of my early blocks but I’ll work at getting the remainder of them sewn first. So, in case I ever do get back to sewing I at least have a couple of projects ready to work on.

I sat and enjoyed a bit of crocheting last night. I’ve decided to use the pattern I’ve been working on in another afghan that will use up my scraps of yarn. The pattern will be the same on this scrap project, but the rows won’t be planned; I’ll work with a colour until it runs out and then add another whether or not it is at the beginning, middle or end of the row.

I’m off to the movies tonight – it has been so long since I’ve seen a movie and I’m really looking forward to this one.