Far from ready

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

I’ve had a couple of busy days but I’m far from ready to leave tomorrow.

Tuesday’s bee was productive – I got a couple of prototypes for Christmas started. It was enough that I changed up the plan a bit! When I got home I had more Cranberry Hall stuff to get ready and then I headed off to QiGong. It wasn’t until I checked my mail before going to bed that I realized I hadn’t written either the Guild’s blog or my own journal.

We went out for breakfast this morning and then stopped at Canadian Tire on the way home. Both those stops were actually timesavers – a Magpie’s breakfast meant I didn’t need any lunch, and we were able to pick up some mats for the Hall that we had agreed to get at the last meeting. It doesn’t look good if the President and Secretary/Treasurer don’t fulfill their obligations.

For the rest of the morning I gathered together stuff I need for the retreat. Along with that I added things we need at the studio to the pile. I’m really only working on one project at the retreat but I threw in a couple of hand stitching bins just in case. I cut batting for my project but I still need to piece a few bits together. I have all my tools ready to go but nothing is in the car yet (except for Guild equipment that I loaded into my trunk after the bee yesterday).

I had a lot of errands to run this afternoon – post office, library, groceries, $ Store, bank and a second grocery store. My best stop (and most expensive) of the afternoon was at the fabric shop. My new project method required more fabric and I was glad to have lots to choose from. I almost always run into someone I know so there is visiting as well.

I have a bit of time before we have to leave for the Board meeting so I’m off to get a few more things sorted and packed.