Just like old friends

When I came back from Texada on Monday I decided I didn’t care if my house was as clean “as usual” for the house concert on Wednesday night. But by Tuesday morning I had changed my mind so I stayed home from the bee and did my usual round of cleaning. Hallowe’en night I had my QiGong class but as soon as I was in the door we turned off all the lights; we seldom have anyone come around Trick or Treating so the past couple of years we haven’t even bothered buying any candy. I always prepare a little bag for the girl next door but even she was going to another neighbourhood where the treats were better!

There has only ever been one performer that I was familiar with before their show. That was Cindy Church and I was so nervous; needless as it turned out as she was very nice. So when I knew Karen Savoca was coming I tried very hard not to turn myself into a nervous wreck. I first saw her perform (we figured it out) almost 20 years ago at the Vancouver Folk Festival. We’ve seen her in concert a few times since and we (Pat and I, Stacia and Ron) almost saw her in Victoria after one of our Blossom Walks; I had walked the Ultra Marathon and just couldn’t manage a concert in the evening no matter how much I wanted to. From the moment she and Pete (Heitzman) walked through the door it was like meeting old friends.

We had a leisurely dinner but I guess we chatted too long as we were still sitting around the table when the first House Concert guests arrived (they were way too early!). I had to scramble to get everything put away and set out for the concert, all the time holding a conversation with everyone in the kitchen. It seemed everyone was anxious to get a good seat for the concert because the person who came in the door at about 7:15 was on the late side according to everyone else. The concert was one I’ll remember for a long time and everyone just loved the show.

After the guests had left and we had the living room more or less put back together we sat up until midnight chatting. Again, over breakfast, we were enjoying ourselves until we noticed that they only had 15 minutes to pack up and get down to the ferry line-up. It was the best concert ever and I sure hope they can come back when they do another BC tour or festival.

Pat left just a few minutes after Pete and Karen – off to Texada for the weekend. I have done nothing at home (in the sewing room) for a week so I said I was staying home and trying to get this quilt done. Once I have things set up for quilting I don’t often change to do “regular” piecing so it needs to be off the machine. With the house empty, and a load of laundry started, I sat and read a chapter in my book because it is due back at the library early next week. I have my reports done for tonight’s Guild meeting so I’m going to get started on some quilting now before it is time to go out – just as soon as I switch laundry loads (there’s always something!).