It’s started

Sunday, February 5, 2012

I’m having some fun with my Pinterest postings – several have been reposted. I’m new at this and I don’t even know how these people are finding my posts. In fact, unless I’m logged in to my account I don’t even come up on a search. I guess I’ll have to spend more time figuring out how to use it. My intention really wasn’t for other people of see my pins; I just wanted one place where I could keep my lists. I have many lists – some on my computer, some on my iPad, some on whiteboards, some on my bulletin board and some on scraps of paper in various locations.

I got started on my quilting today and, so far, it has been going well. I’m just doing straight line stitching for now and even after spending most of the day at it I’m less than half done with the stabilizing lines. Still lots of quilting left but I’m going to take my time with this one. I want to hang it in the next quilt show so I have to be a bit fussy about how it looks.

We walked the Willingdon Beach Trail today. We haven’t been on it for a long time. It was a beautiful day – hard to believe it is still February.

I made a couple of loaves of rye bread this afternoon. My bread maker makes a huge loaf (almost lifting the top off the machine) so I decided to stop it at the dough stage and then I separated it into two smaller loaves. I haven’t tasted them yet but I’ll try a slice with my supper.

I didn’t watch the Super Bowl game, but I really enjoyed Madonna’s half-time show. I’ll catch up on the ads on YouTube tomorrow.