
The basic theme of the movie is that a husband is cheating on his wife and when his daughters suspect him they wonder if they should tell their mother.

The actual story is much less about the husband and the wife, or even about what the daughters are doing about the affair. To me, that part of the story wasn’t done very well. What I did like though was the interaction between the two sisters.

The movie is set in the ’90s but I’m not sure why. There was nothing in the story that necessitated going back that far in time. There were no cell phones in the film but the landline telephone really didn’t play any part in the story.

Working day

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I spent most of the day working on Cranberry Hall and Guild reports; the Cranberry Hall meeting is tonight and Guild is tomorrow. I thought I’d get all the reports done today because I need some time to pack for our weekend trip to Texada. You’d think we’d be almost done moving things across but each time we come back we have a list of things we need to bring, and as we are packing for the next trip we think of more things that would be useful over there.

This time around I’m going to take one of my sewing machines. I still don’t plan to do a lot of quilting over there but I’ve joined the Texada Guild so if I’m going to show up at the sewing sessions I need a machine. They meet in the basement of the Legion on Monday nights and I don’t think they have any business meetings. The bonus is they meet in Van And a so no long drive in the dark.

My e-mail has been acting up this afternoon so I’m about to start a chat session with Telus so I’d best pay attention to that screen. We’re off to the movie tonight, provided the Board meeting doesn’t take too long.

Concert Tonight – Alan Gerber

Monday, October 2, 2017

We got the living room set up for the concert, the shopping done, dishes set out and the remainder of my cleaning done this morning – all before the arrival of our performer.

It has seemed like a very long day and even though I’ve had some free time I don’t seem to be getting much done. I worked on some Cranberry Hall accounting; I’m not ready yet for the meeting on Wednesday but I’m getting closer. I need to spend some time on my Guild reports as well because that meeting is on Thursday.

I have my projects packed for the bee tomorrow; I’ll sneak out of the house before nine, probably before our guest is up and about. He was quite happy to know that after his early start this morning (nine is early apparently) he can sleep until closer to noon tomorrow.

Since I wasn’t really settling down to doing anything meaningful this afternoon I decided to start clearing up some of the mess I have. Both rooms are a disaster and it’s going to take more than the rest of this day to deal with it all.


Saturday, September 30, 2017

I headed out the door at about nine to catch my bus. It was a short trip up to the mall and then a long wait for the bus that would take me to Cranberry Hall. I was surprised when I got on the second bus to see the same driver and a couple of the same passengers. I don’t know where the bus went between where I got off and then got on again but it would have been more enjoyable riding the bus than waiting outside.

I really enjoyed the QiGong class. Some of the things we did had been done in a TaiChi class I took a long time ago. There were some yoga-type moves but they were done very slowly and very gently. Of course there was about 15 minutes of meditation as well. The 90 minutes went by really quickly and I’ve decided to sign up for her six week session starting near the end of October.

The trip home on the bus took a bit longer. I waited about 45 minutes for the bus to pick me up; it was raining slightly but I was at one of the few stops that actually has a shelter so that was lucky since I had neglected to take my umbrella. When we got to the mall where I was to catch my bus home I got off but noticed that once everyone was off, the bus number changed to the one I wanted. I asked the driver if they always switch between the routes; he said usually but not always. If I have to take the bus again I’ll ask about the route numbers.

It was almost one by the time I got home. I had decided to get the rest of my cleaning done but after an hour my back was really hurting so I decided to lay down and read for a bit. That, of course, led to a little nap.

I did a bit more late this afternoon and got the basement finished – our guest will be using the room downstairs. I’ll have to finish the rest of the upstairs tomorrow.