I can do a little

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My plan for today was to get out in the yard and do some weeding. Our gardener has had a couple of medical issues and hasn’t been able to come yet this year. In the meantime our plants are all coming up, along with the weeds. Having the green compost pickup every week is a real motivator and, since it has been too damp to do a proper mowing of the lawn, I wanted to get it filled up for collection day on Friday.

But it rained over night and the forecast was for showers this morning so I didn’t go out. Instead I wiped down the outside of all the kitchen cupboards and drawers. It has been on my list to do for awhile (I won’t tell you how long) and I felt that since Pat was out for the morning it would be a good opportunity to get it done. I put on my music and I was surprised that it went as quickly as it did. At some point, when I feel motivated enough, I’ll start cleaning out each of those drawers and cupboards.

By the time I finished my cleaning the weather was looking pretty good so I went out and got at some weeding. I didn’t feel like doing the patio so I started on the beds. I didn’t get through the whole width of them but I managed to get all the way around the fronts. When Pat came home he picked a few weeds too and the compost bin is relatively full. If the sun really shines this afternoon and tomorrow we may get a chance to cut the grass and we’ve left enough room for the clippings.

So I can’t do it all, but I can do a little!