Lucky Me

Friday, April 5, 2024

Have you ever dropped a Facebook friend? I did it yesterday for the first time. I know it can be done anonymously but I really wanted the friend to know why I was doing it. I’m not sure she appreciated my reasons but I didn’t think just ignoring what I didn’t like about her post was very honest. I’m sure it won’t change a thing, but at least I won’t be upset when I look at Facebook.

I was also very truthful to my friend about skipping our sewing session yesterday. I could have opted out with the excuse of a Guild meeting in the evening but I told her the truth. Pat and I were very much engaged in the curling and I didn’t want to miss it. I’ve put too much emphasis on sewing in the past but I’m learning to let my own self-inflicted deadlines go.

I planned to walk to the Guild meeting last night but there was such a cold wind I drove. And lucky me, I won the 50/50 draw. I won once before and used those winnings to pay for 50/50 tickets from that point forward. Although I wasn’t entire out of funds in that envelope the extra $28 is going to keep me going for a long time.

I need to get back into a more regular schedule than I have been of late. I want to spend my mornings upstairs either sewing or doing computer work. I’ll spend the afternoons working in the yard, going for walks, and doing some hand stitching. Evenings have always been for knitting and crochet and that won’t change until I run out of yarn.

That being said, this morning I’ve sent off additional information to the accountant, finalized a Guild survey I’m sending out and worked on the latest mystery clue. I’m off now for lunch and some hand stitching.