A short update

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Yesterday Pat and I went out in the morning and cleaned up one corner of the yard. This is a nice sitting area in the morning but particularly in the evening when the sun is beating down on the front of the house. Our bulbs are all up and we have flowers in every container. The lilac and maples are just coming into leaf, the Solomon Seal is gaining inches every day and the Strawberry Tree survived its first winter.

We are getting organic pick-up every week but we realized yesterday that the bin doesn’t hold a whole lot when you are doing yard clean-up. I added some compost to the bin this afternoon and noticed that the leaves had compacted a bit so we’ll be able to get a bit more into it before pick up day. I pulled a few weeds from the patio yesterday and had this realization – no matter how much it hurts to get down on your hands and knees, it hurts even more to bend down from the waist to pull them out. Lesson learned.

I was so tired yesterday after that bit of yard work that by the time I was ready for bed I had already decided I wasn’t going to go to sewing today. I’ve been trying to get my March UFO Challenge finished for the past week. Had I not watched so much hockey, curling and baseball it could have been done before the end of the month. I took an extra couple of days in April but I can say it is done. My April UFO shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish within the month so I don’t think I lost anything by sticking with it.

Pinwheels for Caroline