Family Lore

Author: Elizabeth Acevedo

Do you know the CBC radio show Q? I seldom listen to it because I don’t particularly like the host. While we were on Texada I heard an interview with the author of this book and the topic of a living wake intrigued me.

Flor, Matilde, Pastora and Camila are sisters born in the Dominican Republic but who have since moved to New York. The other main characters in the book are their daughters, Yadi and Ona. Each of the sisters has a special talent but Flor’s talent is predicting a death. So when she decides to have a living wake everyone is concerned for her.

I found the story a little hard to follow. The story switches from the Dominican Republic in the past to New York in the present. I also had trouble keeping the characters and their talents straight.

Goodreads Rating: * * *