Near finishes

Sunday, January 14, 2024

I’ve made progress on projects but I don’t have anything actually done today.

I finished the quilting on the donation quilt shortly after lunch. I trimmed the edges and prepped the binding. I have enough binding to hang myself; I hope there is enough to go around the quilt. I’ll get it attached to the quilt tomorrow so I can do the hand stitching at the Guild on Tuesday.

I checked my tablecloth last night. I have two different motifs of Mum’s but the way I added them into the tablecloth looks weird. So I’ll be crocheting some more and adding another round to the whole thing; this last round will include Mum’s squares. I really wanted it to be done but I also really want to incorporate Mum’s original work into it.

I’m almost finished a library book so I’ll take the rest of the afternoon to read and perhaps I’ll get it done tonight.