Happy New Year

January 1, 2024

I made no resolutions last year and it turned out okay, and there was nothing to feel guilty about at the end of the year. I spent some time in the last days of 2023 to inventory most, not all, of the projects that I really would like to get done. Some have been started and I’d like to get them finished but some are just wishful thinking.

I’ll take part again in the monthly UFO quilting challenge. My chart last year showed three sections – piecing, quilting, and scrappy. As I look at the list from last year there were only 12 items that either disappeared from the list entirely (because they were finished) or moved forward to another list. I think this year I will stick to only one list but hope that each month I can accomplish a little more than the one item.

I have plenty of items to choose from but these are the ones that will go on my UFO chart. I look forward every month to see what my project will be.

That Fairy Tale Quilt
Splendid Samplers
Alias Grace
Postage Stamp
Pinwheels for Caroline (Large)
Temecula Stay at Home Sampler
Farmer’s Daughter
Bobbin Along
Big Red
Cross Stitch Quilt
1880 Sampler