I’m glad that’s over

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

I’m not sure why I was dreading today’s appointment with the Oncology clinic. I’ve been noticing more and more aches and pains and worried it might be something. The doctor heard all my concerns and gave me credible answers to most of them. Healing takes a lot longer than I expected and certainly longer than I want. But I’m good for another six months; even knowing that there is follow-up every six months is encouraging as I thought I was more or less on my own after this visit. They have another Oncology doctor starting in April and that is good news for the clinic.

Because my appointment was just after lunch I decided to go to the Guild stitching rather than sit around the house and worry all morning. I didn’t get much done but visiting did take my mind off things. I had another reason for wanting to get out today. I had asked the woman in charge of Community Quilts for batting for a couple of quilts and I expected she might drop it off today. When I thanked her for the bundle she said it was one more thing off her list. I responded that it was two more things on my list.

It was almost two when I got home and had my lunch (leftovers from last night’s dinner) so I won’t be hungry for supper I’m sure.

Hockey game tonight so more crocheting.