A tough job

Sunday, December 10, 2023

It was a tough job but one that needed to be done. With all my packages ready for the mail, and most of them already send and/or delivered, it was time to start the cleanup in my sewing area.

My cutting table was littered with bits of fabric (not only Christmas ones), bits of wrapping paper, bits of ribbon – you get the idea. Pretty much anything I had used while finishing my projects and wrapping them had some remnant left on the cutting table.

My sewing table was in the same condition. Threads of all colours, sewing machine feet, bobbins of different colours with varying amounts of thread on them. There were pins and clips and even some of the ribbons made their way across to the surface.

My quilting machine was bogged down in projects that I want to do right away. I turned over a quilt top to Community Quilts but when I was looking at a photo I realized I had a block turned the wrong way. I dug it out of the Community Quilt cupboard at the last Guild meeting and I hope to have it fixed and back in the bin by the next meeting. I still have my Jelly Roll Race top to add borders to and, for some mad reason, I brought home a sandwich from the last Community Quilt weekend to quilt. I have another donation quilt that I’ve decided needs some borders before donating, and I don’t want to forget the placemats that need to be quilted – a Guild challenge from 2022.

I managed to get everything tidy enough that I was able to do the vacuuming this morning. The hallway and the room across the hall will have to wait another day for their turn.

I saved the toughest job of all for this afternoon. I have a library book that is due back on Tuesday so I need to sit down and finish it. I tried that yesterday afternoon but after reading just a chapter I had a little nap!