
Monday, November 27, 2023

I only lasted a day and a half at the Guild’s Community Quilts weekend. On the plus side though, except for borders, I finished the project I took to work on. It was a totally scrappy pattern and, to be honest, it would have been nicer if the fabrics hadn’t been quite so ugly or so similar. The fabrics were all donated to the Guild, some many years ago, and I was trying to use them up.

The Guild weren’t sandwiching quilts this time but I brought four of my donation quilts to leave for the next time they sandwich. I had another one that will be a donation but, at the last minute, I decided it was too small and I needed to add borders. I brought home a sandwich to quilt and when I got it home I remembered I already had one to quilt. I’ll get to them eventually and no one seems to be keeping track of where the quilts are or how long they have been out.

I wanted to get so much done today but I really haven’t accomplished much. I finished wrapping the last of the 12-Days packages and got one off in the mail this afternoon. I’ve sorted through the box of Guild fabric and picked out almost enough different strips to make another quilt top. There are still lots of strips in the box but I’ll find another pattern that will work with them.

I would have liked to have some cards to hand stitch tonight but I didn’t get that far. I think I still have time to mark some fabric circles and I can cut them out while I relax tonight. I’m making good progress on my crocheted tablecloth but I feel like I should be working on something that actually needs to get done.

Speaking of which, I did laundry today so I’d better put some clothes away and make the bed.