So many choices

Monday, October 30, 2023

One of the hardest things about writing my Journal is coming up with a catchy (or not-so-catchy) title. All through the day I’m thinking of things I might write about and titles that come to mind. Today there were an abundance of ideas for titles.

I Should Have Given Up

I wanted to sit in the sunshine yesterday afternoon and my stitching table is in the perfect spot. I was ready to move ahead with my Baubles project. When I put it away last I realized I had made another mistake and was going to have to either take out some stitches or abandon the project entirely.

Today I felt more like taking out stitches than I did giving up so I did the reverse stitching that was required and moved on. I’m now one row of stitching beyond where I was yesterday and I hope I can continue on the right track. I’m stubborn enough to keep at it and the project doesn’t have a home so there is no rush to get it done.

Who Needs a Bird Feeder?

For the past few days we’ve had a bird making itself at home in one of the pots on the deck. Pat’s not sure what kind of bird it is but we’re having fun watching it. There must be something good in those marigolds. Can I hope that it is eating the weed seeds?

I May Never Go Upstairs Again

The woman from Texada delivered our new-to-us CD player to our door this morning and Pat wasted no time getting it set up. There were a few CDs included in the player, mostly Country and Western, and I kept most of them in. I started adding my own CDs and when I still had a few slots left I added some of Pat’s.

One of the CD players we had in the living room quit working quite awhile ago but we’d never done anything about it; they don’t make players anymore and we were lucky to find one for sale. Yesterday I pulled out all the CDs from it and Pat took it out of the stand this morning and got it ready to recycle. But he happened to check online and he thinks that he’ll be able to fix it with a $13 purchase of some new rollers. If it works we’ll have two players downstairs in Pat’s area and one in the living room.

We started listening to the music this morning and I don’t want to stop; I may never come upstairs to sew again. I guess it’s a good thing that I have the Baubles project to work on … forever at the rate I’m going!