
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

I mentioned to Pat that I had been clearing one thing a day from the closet – either putting something away in its proper place (mostly hanging up clothes) or setting something aside for sale or for the thrift shops. Pat got into the whole idea right away and did a huge purge of his clothes.

I walked to the Guild bee today but not to sew. I had a few things that I needed to drop off and I needed some photos for the blog. We made a grocery list and I said I could pick them up when I came home. When it started to rain I figured the walk was out so I did a bit of accounting until it was time to head out.

It had stopped raining by that time so I decided to go ahead with my walk. It was nice for the walk there but I got rained on walking home. When I got back I suggested to Pat that we take the bags up to the thrift shop and pick up the groceries after. We had all that done before coming home for lunch.

I haven’t been very productive for the rest of the day. I have lots that I could be doing but I think I’ll do some shredding while I watch my African safari. After all, I have to rest up for tomorrow.