Still working

Thursday, September 14, 2023

The day is gone and it is time to quit working.

I spent the morning sorting through the tasks that the Hall accountant asked me to do. I sent her the info before noon and I haven’t heard back from her so I’m hoping all is well.

I made myself a big lunch (Enchiladas from our last Hello Fresh delivery) and watched a TV show while I ate. I realized that I’m able to do some crocheting while I read the sub-titles so if I watch TV for a couple of hours in the evening I won’t feel quite so much like I’m wasting my time.

My intention was to sort the recycling so I could get it up to the depot this afternoon. I made the mistake of checking my e-mail first and I had a message from the Hall Treasurer saying he was really concerned about one of the accounts he and the President were supposed to be sorting out. I told him I’d see if I could help him out. I’ve provided some of the answers for them but the entire afternoon is gone now.

I think I’ll leave the recycle sorting until the morning and I’ll take it up to the depot as soon as it opens.