Done In!

Monday, July 24, 2023

“Let’s do a short walk” Pat said yesterday. After two hours on one of the most challenging walks I’ve been on in ages (and I don’t mean just since my treatments) we were finally home. We had seen the trailhead for the Eagle Cove Trail many times as we made our way to and from the ferry but we’d never stopped. We knew the trail would be challenging but we only intended to do the lower half which didn’t have as much elevation as the later half.

Soon after we started out we came across a side trail leading to the gnome homes. How could we resist? It was an easy walk and all along there were these tiny little constructions. The first home was laid in March of 2020 in an effort to get the community out and about while still maintaining the social distancing required at the time. These were a couple of my favourites but they were all very unique, some in better repair than others.

I was tired when we got home but managed to finish up some set-up work on my appliqué project before I went to bed. I was up early this morning and put up a quilt on the design wall. When that was done I couldn’t settle down to anything else – I had a cross stitch I could have worked on, as well as more work on my appliqué project. By noon I had decided that I’d be having a nap after lunch and I slept for two hours.

I can’t really say I’m keen to dive into any of my projects but I finished my book, I’ve played my games (several times) so I’d better get to it.