Round trip

Monday, June 26, 2023

Rather than walking the sea walk today I made a round trip to the library, with a stop at the post office on my way back. It’s the first time I’ve done the round trip; it was nice to get my steps in as well as do a couple of errands.

The walk to the library might have been easier had I not been returning a 900 page book. But then the walk home might have been easier had I not been carrying two new books that amounted to about the same number of pages. I was able to sit and rest a bit at the library but by the time I was home I really didn’t feel much different from doing the sea walks.

I’m almost finished packing for Texada just in case we get away tomorrow. We’ve been iffy about going but this morning Pat said we should just go over and he will come back on Thursday to deal with the garden people. I’ve been looking forward to the trip for so long but, if necessary, I guess I could wait another week. I said as long as there was enough food for the days Pat is away I’ll be fine – there will be no shortage of projects to work on. That is assuming all my bins fit in the truck!

I’m almost at 5500 steps for the day so I’ll just finish packing up and then I’ll sit and rest for the rest of the afternoon – unless I decide I have enough energy to clean up some of the pots on the deck.