Boxing Day

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

I’m having trouble settling into anything so I’ll get this journal entry off early. I was puttering while I waited for a phone appointment and now that it is over I’m tired of puttering but not really sure what I want to do.

Part of my puttering involved cleaning up in the room across the hall from my studio area. We purchased a number of things online in the last few weeks and the boxes and packing materials had all ended up in there. I can’t seem to throw away boxes, but yet I never seem to have a box in the right size or shape when I want to mail something. The boxes have all been broken down and the packing materials are in their appropriate bin.

I’ve been working on cards lately so I got them and some other packages ready for the mail. I’ll tag along with Pat to his afternoon concert and get some of them in the mail. I also have a book to pick up at the library (just across the street from the post office) so I’ll do that on my walk home.

I’ve also been collecting things to take across to Texada next week. I have (so far) one sewing project and three other projects that I need the design wall for. I’ve got a couple of cross stitch projects and a couple of books ready to go, as well as a bin of scraps that I’ll use to make a backing. I’ll also be taking a wool embroidery project with me; it is one that Stacia, Deloise and I are all doing. I’ve put my patterns for it away but it is going to take me some time to find where “away” is!