Checking in

Monday, January 12,2022

I’m checking in with a brief update. The days after my first treatment were better than that first afternoon although I had to deal with a bad headache and I wasn’t allowed to take my usual headache meds. The headache has subsided but not actually gone away.

My sleep is a bit off. I’ve been waking up around three or four, getting up for a couple of hours and then back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep. I don’t like laying there awake so feel I may as well be up doing something. Not that much of anything is being done mind you.

I had my first injection yesterday and felt badly after but today I sat still for a half hour after and that was better. It is awkward injecting myself but Pat supervises and makes sure I’m doing it right.

I was able to confirm today that the January appointment with the radiologist can be done by telephone. That is a relief as the ferries are being cancelled almost daily due to staffing issues. There will be times when I have to go down but all of the open appointments with the radiologist were treatment weeks.

So far I’m okay. I’d like to go to sleep at night and feel great in the morning but that will be awhile coming. Thanks for all the good wishes.

Happy Birthday Dylan