
Friday, April 1, 2022

It was so exciting to see my new UFO projects this morning. In spite of travelling this month I may be able to get a couple of them done. I’ll be piecing a brand new project using the left-over fabric from my Farmer’s Daughter quilt. I have a donation quilt that needs to be sandwiched and then quilted but it should only take me a weekend to finish. Last but not least is my scrappy challenge – it is such an old UFO that I had no clue what it was and had to do a computer search to find the pattern. It enabled me to take four blocks off my door (which sometimes serves as a design wall); every time I pinned something new up I wondered why they were there. Happy Scrappy is the name of the pattern.

I managed to get a few big things off my to-do list this morning. The Hall newsletter went out and the next clue in the Guild Mystery was delivered. I also managed to get all our Income Tax documentation sent off (electronically) to the accountant. I thought of a way to avoid some of the scanning I have done in previous years so entering that information into my program took some time but the whole thing was actually quicker than I anticipated.

After lunch I attempted to put my quilts into a space bag for travelling but I couldn’t find the right size of bags. The extra large size fit what I wanted to take but even with the air sucked out it was too large for my suitcase. I had two mediums but they were too small for either of the quilts. Sounds like Goldilocks doesn’t it? I didn’t have any large bags so I managed to stuff both of them into a small gym-like bag and I’ll take it as a carry-on for the plane.

I have a bit of cleaning to do downstairs but I think I have accomplished enough for the day. After the cleaning is done I’m going to sit and catch up on my Peppermint Purple and Botanical Garden projects.