Am I over the worst of it?

Saturday, March 19, 2022

My paper-pieced card is finished; I’ll take it to Texada to hand stitch the binding. It wasn’t easy but the freezer paper method is so slick. There were six sections to the card and I ended up doing three of them twice – a misplaced colour in two of them and one piece that didn’t give me enough coverage. I was prepared this morning to start taking out my stitching when I realized, with the freezer paper, all I had to do was separate the pattern from my fabric and I was good to start over.

I cleared out one of the lower cupboards in the kitchen and moved the juicer and the mixer into it. That clears up a lot of counter space; I may never bend down to pull the mixer out again but that might be a good thing as we don’t need the baking products. I freed up some good plastic containers; once they were washed we stored a few items from another cupboard in them. I think we needed to contain those things because when Pat took a package out of the cupboard to see if it would fit in the container we had a bit of an avalanche.

I procrastinated as long as I could but I made a start on one of my birthday projects. It involves a zipper and zippers and I don’t get along. I had to check my machine manual to be sure I had the correct foot for sewing in zippers. So far it is going well and I’m on the last page of instructions. Dare I hope I’m over the worst part of it?