
Thursday, March 17, 2022

I started my morning by sorting through more scraps. I don’t think that 1.5” bin is getting any smaller. I hadn’t unpacked my sewing machine from Tuesday’s sewing and I didn’t want to dig it out only to have to pack it up for today’s session so I decided I’d get the cutting done for a couple of gifts I want to make. By the time I dug everything out Pat was up and about so I left it thinking I’d be back to it right away.

When I got back upstairs there was a message from the Guild which reminded me I should take the blocks of the month to Texada with me. I’m three behind so it seemed like a good time to catch up. I downloaded one of the patterns. Then I remembered I had finished a book last night (Island of Sweet Pies and Soldiers) and that I should update my Goodreads list. Before updating my website I thought I should add my tablecloth, runner and calendar block so I stopped and took photos.

I realized I had to get the tablecloth package in the mail before we went to Texada if I wanted it to arrive in time. I got it wrapped and to the Post Office before sewing. I had a couple of other stops to make – the thrift store and the liquor store (not the day to be out of Jameson).

I thought I might get my Guild mystery top put together today but I’ll still have another week before it is done. It won’t be done-done but it will be together and ready for borders. I’ve already decided on my next “Thursday” project – putting together those scraps that I got from Jessie.

I’m back to my knitting tonight.