It’s like pulling weeds

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Today should have been a relaxing day. I got my computer work done before lunch as well as some work for the Hall and my cleaning tasks.

Next up was my hand stitching. I got a good start on the first one before deciding I should bake a cake so I could use up the leftover cream cheese icing from the last cake I made. While it baked I finished my Peppermint Purple stitching for the week.

While the cake cooled I started on my Botanical Garden project. I thought I was off to a good start but the second line of stitching was running into the first line and it shouldn’t have. So I took out all the second line and started again. I was almost to the end of the second line for the second time when I could see I was “off” again.

Before ripping out the second line again I found the mistake in the first line of stitching. I’ve taken that all out and will start that row again. Just like the weeds, you keep pulling them out only to have to do it all over again.

I needed a break so I’ve played a few games of Candy Crush, got the Wordle done for the day and the cake is iced and ready for supper.

Now I’ll get back to that stitching.