Slow today

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Of course, with the time change, I started an hour later this morning. But that doesn’t really explain why I’ve had a hard time getting my energy going today.

For a short (very short) period of time I thought I might get started quilting my March UFO but that didn’t happen. Making the 2-colour binding took forever but I finally got it done. I trimmed the tablecloth down to the right size and started attaching the binding. I neglected to highlight a procedure in my notes on the tutorial because I stitched the binding to the wrong side in the first go. Fortunately the entire quilt wasn’t done before I realized. I got that corrected and the binding is ready to be hand stitched. I’ll get that started now but I’m quite certain, even if dinner is an hour later than usual, that I won’t get it finished.

I’ve been listening to music today – some very mellow selections from Andrea L’Heureux, The Lucky Sisters, Suzanne Ciani, and Cindy Church. Maybe I should have gone for some more raucous tunes.

One more scarf to knit tonight and then I’ll be done with the extra yarn that creates such a mess!