Sewing and more sewing

Thursday, March 10, 2022

I must have thought about my Thursday tasks earlier because there was very little on the list this morning. I did a bit more accounting and sent off the Hall newsletter; there was still lots of time before my afternoon quilting date.

Since I had almost finished the top for Kathryn’s next calendar block on Tuesday I decided I’d get that done. I had started piecing the back for it on Tuesday too but hadn’t got far. Both are done now. I even had enough time to sandwich it and get most of the quilting done before stopping for lunch and getting ready to sew with the ladies.

I’m stitching my Guild mystery quilt together on my Thursday afternoons. Gail has a nice big design wall that she lets me keep my project on from week to week. There is at least one more week (maybe two) of sewing before I’ll start looking at fabric for a border.

I’m going to get back to my knitting tonight. I haven’t felt much like it for the last several evenings and I want to be finished with the yarn that I used for Taylor’s blanket. It knits up into soft scarves (there will be six of them) but it shreds so badly that I have fluff all over myself and my chair at the end of a knitting session.