Clearing out my space

Friday, January 21, 2022

Today was the last day of my sewing room declutter challenge. Many of the tasks I’ll be repeating every week or month until I have the tasks complete. Today we were to be clearing out our bins. The leader specifically said we were to take out our garbage bin and donate the bins we had set aside. My hallway is full of bags to be taken to the thrift shop but they are still closed so they will sit there for awhile longer.

For quite awhile now I’ve wanted to rearrange some of my bins so that’s what I was up to today. No doubt the bin I want will still be at the bottom of the stack but they are a bit more accessible now. I had a small filing cabinet that I stored “stuff” in but there was no way I could get at it even if I had remembered what was in it. I emptied it out, donated quite a few things and moved a smaller stack of bins into that space. There was no need for the filing cabinet; my initial thought was to put it out on the boulevard for free but when I asked Pat if he could use it he thought he could so it moved down two levels and it is in his storage area. Out of my sight, out of my mind.

We never dealt specifically with pre-cuts over the course of the 21 days so I’ve added that task to my list for tomorrow. I have my pre-cuts all together in a wicker basket but I think they can probably be better organized. It will be a quick task and when it’s done I’ll feel like I have put my hands on everything in the room.

I’m back to quilting this afternoon. It is going well but there is still so much to do. It is a big quilt with thirty blocks. I haven’t even started to think about the three borders I’ll need to work on next.