One by one

Sunday, January 16, 2022

My decluttering tasks today were minimal because I’d taken care of my kits yesterday. I remembered a few more UFOs that I needed to add to my list. Two of them are projects I’ll be working on with Stacia and Deloise over the next two days but I already know neither of them will be completed. I’ll be behind on the decluttering tasks next week because I don’t intend to even attempt them while we’re sewing.

I had some Guild work to attend to this morning as well as my own decluttering task – clearing off my desktop. Can you believe I spent half an hour at it and still didn’t get everything done? I managed to wrap two packages for the mail; I put a letter into one of them and was able to easily pull some notepaper from the drawer I sorted out yesterday. I have all the important things taken care of so I guess that’s all that counts.

I’ve been quilting most of the day. Both Stacia and Deloise had the same advice for my three “odd” blocks so I finished them and a couple more up before a late lunch. I’ve done a few more blocks this afternoon but I’m still only half-done. I’m going to put it away for now and do some set up for our stitching day tomorrow.

If I have time before supper I’ll walk up to the mailbox to post a letter.