Watching for wildlife

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Pat watches some odd things in the evening after I go to bed. Often they are YouTube videos on the music equipment he has and occasionally he’ll watch various lava flows from volcanoes around the world. But the other night he switched to something completely different – a web cam in the Namib Desert in Africa.

I’ve been watching all day. It is the sort of thing where nothing much happens for long periods of time and then there will be all sorts of activity. So far today I’ve seen lots of gemsbok (a type of antelope) both alone and in pairs, two feral horses, jackals, an ostrich, a porcupine family, and a rabbit. And who knows what came around while I wasn’t looking. There is a chat window you can watch and someone identifies most of the animals that come through. When I stitch I seldom have even music playing but this is going to be on my computer constantly – I love it. I’ll be able to load it up on my iPad too so if I’m at my stitching desk downstairs I won’t miss anything.

As well as watching for wildlife I have accomplished a few things. Today’s declutter task was threads. My spools of thread were in good shape but I re-organized my bobbins, cleared a few things I don’t use into the give-away bag, and sorted through a few little storage trays I have next to my sewing machine.

It took me most of the day but I also got a quilt sandwiched. I thought I’d have to bring my tables inside and pin baste the quilt but the sun was shining so I was able to go out on the deck and spray baste. It was cool but I was in my bare feet the whole time I was setting things up and I was without a sweater the entire time.

I’m going to move downstairs and do a bit of cross stitching and wildlife watching before supper.