Happy Birthday Mum

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

I save all the knitting and crocheting that I do throughout the year and donate it on Mum’s birthday. She donated countless knitted mittens over the years to various groups.

Some of this year’s donation went to the Salvation Army. Usually they add some of it to their Christmas hampers and have some of it available for kids to take home as gifts for their care-givers.

I also donated to BOND this year. They are the group I served lunch to for many years. The leader always says they miss my soup; that was probably my favourite menu item as I made it at home the day before. That and a sandwich was always well received. Since Covid the link between BOND and Family Place (a drop-in space for parents and tots that have graduated from BOND) has strengthened so the donation went to both of them and they will figure out who gets what. They also have a day where kids can come in a pick a gift.

2 afghans, a baby blanket, a small scarf and a shawl