I’m confused

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

I’m often confused about one thing or another but I’m having a hard time remembering that today is Wednesday and not Monday. I think there are two reasons for this particular confusion. Coming home from Texada on a Tuesday rather than our usual Sunday evening (when our weeks were much busier than they are now) makes me think today must be Monday. And garbage day was Monday from February until Easter and it has only recently switched to Wednesday. I put it out this morning because I got a notification in my e-mail but I never really gave any thought to what day it was.

I had to get the Sunday Song Circle video posted to the Hall’s Facebook page this morning. I’ve done it once before so I wasn’t anticipating any problems. I tried it three times using Safari as my browser but when that wasn’t working I switched to Chrome where I tried it twice. When I still had no result I e-mail one of our younger Board members for help. Before he got back to me I received a notification from Facebook that my video had posted. Then I got another one, and another one until all five videos had posted. I quickly removed the duplicates. I remember now that last time I did the post I read somewhere that I’d get a notification but of course I’d forgotten that by today. Tyler did get back to me and told me that I probably did it correctly and it just takes Facebook a bit of time to get it loaded.

I’ve been working on cards the rest of the day. There are five in this particular group that I’m working on; I have two done and one more cut out.

The first one had 40 pieces in a 6.5″ top so you know the pieces were small. I used the precise piecing method that I had the refresher class on last week. Had I not done that I expect I would have thrown the whole thing out. It isn’t perfect but it is a pretty good job.

The second one involved appliqué as well as some embroidery. I tried a different method of machine appliqué today. Rather than use a product to stick the pieces onto the background before appliquéing I used glue (an idea that also came from the piecing class). I’ve avoided embroidery wherever I can but I decided to give it a try today. After watching a YouTube video I realized I’ve been doing the stem stitch all wrong up until now and the embroidery today worked out well.