Behind Her Eyes

Author: Sarah Pinborough

We watched the first episode of this series on Netflix and thought it was a light romantic comedy. We didn’t carry on with it but when I saw the book had a good rating from someone on one of my lists I picked it up from the library. Boy were we wrong about the story.

Louise meets David one night at a bar and they both feel a spark of a relationship but it goes no further. When Louise arrives at work the next day her new boss is David. Later in the week Louise runs into Adele, who is David’s wife; Louise knows she is David’s wife because she saw David and Adele being welcomed into the practise by another partner. Adele doesn’t want David to know that she knows Louise so Louise doesn’t mention it. Sound complicated – just wait until David and Louise start an actual affair.

I had several theories throughout the story as to how it was going to end. I was surprised by the second to last chapter but was satisfied with the ending. The last chapter set everything on its head and I never could have imagined it.

Goodreads Rating: * * * * *