I don’t get out much anymore

Sunday, January 17, 2021

My car battery has been dead for almost a week. I don’t even remember the last time I drove it anywhere but when I went out last Wednesday to be sure it would run for an appointment on Friday I couldn’t even unlock the doors. I plugged in my trickle charger but after several days I decided that there wasn’t even enough battery power to start the charger.

So this morning Pat and I went out and boosted my car. I let it run for about half an hour and then drove it out to do a few errands. I dropped some books off the Kiwanis Book Sale; I didn’t fill their bin completely but I got rid of a couple of bags from my closet. I dropped a couple of books off at the Library and made a night deposit at the bank.

My last stop was to get some gas; I was getting low and I thought that if I had to run the car in the driveway I didn’t want to be running out of gas. When I got home I plugged in the trickle charger again and will keep that on until the battery is fully charged.

I wondered when I last put gas in the car so I checked my records and it hadn’t been filled since August, and the time before that was May. I guess one silver lining of the pandemic is that the gas prices have come down (129.9/litre) and I’m not having to fill very often.