I needed a change

Thursday, January 7, 2021

I have a schedule that helps to keep me on track and not too bored with my projects. Wednesday is usually a day for making cards; even if I don’t have any cards that are due I try to keep ahead by making card tops. I also work towards my UFO Challenge project once a week.

This is a bit of an odd month for that schedule. I made cards on Wednesday as per my Wednesday schedule. I worked on cards again today as my UFO Challenge for the month are my Splendid Sampler blocks which are the blocks I use for cards.

I redid the blackwork stitch-along project this morning. Since it was so near the start of the process I thought I should try to get it right. I think it looks better but that might be because this is the fourth time I’ve stitched it. I’m not sure why it is called blackwork because by following the pattern I have a small container of several different colours of thread.

This afternoon I really couldn’t face another card so I dug out That Fairy Tale Quilt. At the moment I’m working on a castle – so essential for every fairy tale.