Am I crazy?

Sunday, January 3, 2021

I did some cleaning up today – in the house and in my sewing room. I’ve been having some issues with my wrists; they’ve always bothered me when I crochet and lately I’ve done a lot of it. Today I realized that scrubbing floors hurts them as much as crocheting so what do you think I’m going to avoid from now on?

I’ve enjoyed cross stitching over the past couple of weeks and I’ve signed up for a couple of online stitch-alongs. I prepped for both projects today. New steps for one of the projects will come out weekly and the other one will be once a month. Who knows if I’ll manage to keep up but I can try. The last thing I need is more projects but I also spent a lot of time online during the holidays and this is the result.

Supper is in the crock pot (stew) so I’ll get started on one of those projects now.