Market Tote

I had some bamboo yarn that I wanted to use up and, at first, I thought I could make a decent-sized blanket for Taylor. After using up one (of three) skeins I realized that wasn’t going to work.

So I found this pattern online and thought I’d have enough yarn. As I worked through the bottom and started up the sides it felt like it wasn’t as dense as the photo was showing. So I rechecked the pattern. I assumed the blogger I took the pattern from was from the US and translated all the double crochets into triple crochets. But the blogger was from Canada so I should have worked the pattern as written.

So I started over (does this sound familiar?). When I got to the last round of the side I thought I might be able to do one extra set of the pattern to make the bag a bit longer. I tried but then I wasn’t going to have enough yarn for the handle. So I tried to add just a couple more rows and still I didn’t feel like there was enough left for the handle. Eventually the bag was done and so was the yarn.

For now the bag is in my donation basket but it might move to the gift bin.