A bad night = a bad day

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

That title is a bit of an exaggeration but I did have a bad night. I woke up at four and read until 5:30; from then on I dozed more than slept and was up at seven to start my day.

I haven’t actually accomplished much in my day though. I did some work for the Hall until it was time to head up to the insurance place to get my new car registered. New car? No, it is the same old red car but this year we changed the ownership from Pat’s name to mine. When I came home I finished up the Hall work (for the day) and then moved on to some Guild work.

After lunch I decided I needed a nap but, rather than nap, I finished my book. I was no sooner home from my errands this morning when I got a message from the library that another book I ordered was ready for pickup. I’ve gone a bit crazy with library orders this past week and I don’t want to get behind. The books on order for different libraries are usually short-term loans.

Tomorrow is a sewing day and I’ve picked out another 3-Yard quilt pattern; this one is called Friendship Star. I thought about starting something for myself but if I can get another donation quilt started I’ll be able to work on it at the end of the month at our Community Quilt days. I like to take something of my own to work on; if you don’t have your own “thing” you end up cutting batting, sandwiching or trying to figure out something to make from the bins of scraps they have available.

I still have time this afternoon to pick up my book so I can start it tonight. I also hope to have enough time to cut out the fabric for the new quilt.