What a weekend

Monday, January 20, 2020

I had such a good time sewing all weekend long. And I ended up with a couple of finishes and good progress on my UFO Challenge for the month.

Best Friends

Since it was a “retreat” I thought I was justified in starting something new. When I looked at the list of projects I wanted to get a start on it was my Guild Challenge that came to the top of the list. I think I bought the pattern at the Saskatoon Quilt Show this fall. The blocks went together very quickly but the appliqué work took more than a day. It still needs to be quilted before the June deadline.

I finished the February Block of the Month for the Guild – it had been started at the last bee I attended but I still had one corner to finish. It required some stitching around the appliqué and getting it done was a good warm-up to the Challenge.

Even finishing all of the above, I still had a day left so I worked on my January UFO Challenge – my Quilt As You Go project. I had two blocks quilted so I when I finished two more blocks I put them together. This is a new technique for me where you quilt each block separately and stitch them together after they are quilted. For this project I’ve decided to use the method without a sashing between the blocks. The more common way is to have sashing between; I have another project started that will use the same quilt as you go method but it will have sashing.

And to top all of that off, I finished a book, went to a movie, and finished a scarf!

So after all that fun, is it any surprise that I’ve spent all day at my computer catching up. I still have a few more bills to take care of and then I’ll get packed up for tomorrow’s bee.