I think I’m caught up

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

I spent all day at my computer and, with a few exceptions that are out of my control, I think I’ve caught up. There are only three items on my “To-Do” list so I think I’ve earned the rest of the day off.

And what will I do with the afternoon? I have a couple of quilts on my cutting table that need to have binding prepared. I hope to get at that this afternoon but since my sewing machine is still in the trunk of my car (I leave it there on Tuesdays) I’ll package them up for another sewing session.

Pat mentioned to me that Canada Post have their “free postage Tuesdays” starting in October so I should start packing up what I need to take with me to Saskatoon. Fabric and patterns for sure and maybe even some of my tools could be sent ahead. Do I dare think Christmas?

I’ve picked out my recipe for tomorrow night’s Guild potluck (Greek Salad Dip) but I need a few groceries. I could go out to the store but I enjoy a solid day at home so much I just don’t think I’m up for that.

I picked my next miniature pattern and fabric for it so I could get that cut out. I’ve also started working on Deloise’s I’m A Farmer’s Daughter block – I could do a bit more work on that. I finished a knitting project last night but I have a shawl on the go so I could do a few more rows on it. And, of course, there is always more stitching to do on the Princess.

We’re off to the movie tonight so unless I get busy none of the above will get done!