The perfect time to clean

Thursday, February 28, 2019

I was up fairly early this morning and started stitching the binding down on my Farmer’s Daughter quilt while I had my coffee. About 8:30 I thought I should get started on my “real” day but then I had a brilliant idea.

I’m a morning person and once I get started on something (particularly my sewing) I hate to quit. While I’m stitching I am usually listening to CBC radio. While I like the program Q, I don’t like the host so I’m often annoyed by the time those 90 minutes have passed. Yes, I could get up and turn the radio off but I don’t.

And here’s where my idea came in. Today, I would stitch until ten (when Q comes on) and I would start my cleaning then. I got everything done on the main floor (two bathrooms, the vacuuming and a load of laundry) and was finished about 11:25, just as Q was finishing. I think from now on those ninety minutes will be my cleaning time, or the time I do any other household tasks.

I was out with my sewing group this afternoon and I finished stitching the sleeve, label and binding on my Farmer’s Daughter quilt. That means I now have all of my quilt show entries finished.