One down

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I have my Farmer’s Wife quilt finished. It took me the morning to get the binding stitched down. This afternoon I made a bit of a modification to the sleeve and got that stitched down. I’m not sure I’ll have time to get started on my Farmer’s Daughter – I’m feeling a little more like I want a nap than I want to sew.

After my meeting at the Hall I had several stops to make for the Guild. Although I had a couple of refusals, I had a few generous contributions. I have three more donations promised but they just weren’t ready yet. So I’ll have to make another round next week and maybe the week after. Once my quilt is done I’ll start organizing the donations into groups and making up some baskets. And then there all the magazines I need to deal with.

I’m off to the movie tonight. I’m so happy to have the Cinematheque series starting again. Except for the film festival I haven’t been to a movie for ages.