Checking in

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Just checking in to let you know we haven’t (yet) been buried in snow. The second batch of snow is still on the ground and we are getting another bunch now. It has been so cold that they are letting us into the movie theatre early so we don’t all freeze in the line up. I know none of you feel sorry for us but I thought I’d try for some sympathy.

I’ve been getting up early in the morning to do some quilting before starting my “real” day. It is going well, but it takes a long time to put an eight-pointed star on 111 blocks. My goal is to have the quilting done by the middle of the month and I think I’ll make it.

I’ll be taking a break from movies and quilting for the next couple of days. We have a house concert here tonight (my cleaning has been done in quilting breaks) and tomorrow we’ll be doing it all again on Texada. I don’t always go to the Texada shows but I haven’t been over since Christmas; I get little enough recognition as part of the sponsoring team so I like to show up occasionally.

We’ll be back on Tuesday and there will be a week of films and more quilting.