Snow, movies and quilting

Friday, February 8, 2019

I’m still sorting out whether or not it was a good Guild meeting last night or a terrible one. On the good side my name was drawn for a gift certificate from the fabric shop and I got another lovely package from my Secret Pat. Also on the good side I got my name in for the Spring Retreat. It was only announced last night but my name is quite a way down on the list of participants. On the bad side though I have a new job for the quilt show. Someone brought me three bags full of magazines that she wanted me to offer for sale through the library (I have become somewhat of a dumping ground for this sort of thing). Another quilter said she had bags of magazines at home as well and she thought we should offer the magazines for sale at the show – she had been to a recent show in the Lower Mainland and said they made a ton of money through sales. So I’ll be manning the magazine table at the show, which is fine because I wasn’t signing up for any of the other duties thinking in my mind that I was going to be busy with door prizes throughout the day.

There has been a lot of snow since last night. It is the heavy sort that weighs down the tree branches. It snowed most of the morning, stopped for awhile, and then started again. It has stopped again now but we’re wondering what the roads will be like tonight as the temperature drops below zero.

I thought I might get at some quilting early this morning but when I woke up I realized that the stairway up to my sewing room was blocked with all the stuff I brought home from the meeting last night – those bags of magazines, several baskets to use for the prizes and a few donations for those baskets. So I went back to sleep for awhile. I quilted most of the morning but after lunch I lay down and finished reading my book. The film festival begins tonight so it will be better to be reading from my Kindle and I hate to be reading two books at the same time.

Yes, film festival is on for the next week. We’ll miss a few showings because of the House Concerts (and a quilting class I’m taking next Saturday)  but I’m sure I’ll feel I have seen enough by the end of next weekend.