It’s been a busy day

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

It’s been a busy day and it is nowhere near done. I got up early so I could get a bit of quilting done before the rest of the day got started. I had meetings scheduled for the Hall at ten and again at eleven so I knew the morning would be pretty much shot when that was done. I’ve started my cleaning for the upcoming House Concert on the weekend so I’ve done a bit of that whenever I had a few minutes to wait on something else.

My plan for the afternoon was to sandwich my Farmer’s Daughter quilt. Sandwiching is one of the longest parts of the process as once you start you need to finish it. With the sandwiching done even if I only have half an hour I can make some progress on the quilting (not that I’ve finished quilting my Farmer’s Wife). When I got started I realized I should stitch the extra blocks from Stacia and Deloise (and one from me) onto the backing before it was quilted. That took most of the afternoon.

I now have the backing spread out on the floor and I’ll start the sandwiching process. I’m sure that will take me all evening. I need to take treats to the Guild meeting tomorrow night and I also planned to make a batch of cookies tonight but I don’t think that will happen tonight.