Back to normal?

Monday, January 21, 2019

I should have been getting back to normal after several days of sewing but that certainly wasn’t the case.

One of the projects we planned for Sunday was a table topper called a Triangle Frenzie. When I came home on Friday night I checked my bins and saw that I had marked the bin that had the pattern and fabric in it. Much to my surprise when I checked the bin on Saturday night there was no pattern or fabric in that particular bin. I checked every drawer, every bag, and it wasn’t until I checked the very last bin that I found what I was looking for. Needless to say in my attempt to locate the project I ended up with a bit of a frenzy in my sewing room.

I decided while everything was pulled apart I wanted to do a bit of rearranging. I had just nicely started when the phone rang. Finding a path to the phone was tricky but I caught it before it went to the answering machine. The caller was Moreen asking about a walk for today. I said yes (anything to get out of the mess) but it wasn’t easy getting out the sewing room door! We had a lovely walk through some in-town trails. We were only out for about an hour but it was nice to be walking in dry and sunny weather.

When I got home there was a bit of Cranberry Hall and Guild work that needed to be done. Finishing those tasks meant a trip out, but this time by car. I had to drop a letter at the Red Cross Loan Cupboard and it was nice to be recognized by the volunteer behind the desk. We had a good chat about how things are running; some of the things I objected to before I quit were things that the other volunteers refused to do. Apparently the routine for the volunteers is much simpler now; no more washing equipment and they don’t have to haul equipment to the storage shed at the back of the hospital.

Since I’ve been back, I’ve continued with the organization (although it isn’t done) and caught up on some e-mail. I paid some bills and, since the bills were paid, I placed an on-line order for a sewing notion that Gail was using over the weekend. And when I was cleaning up my file system (I do it once a month) I also ordered a pattern that I’d seen on-line for a quilt I want to make for Gavin.

I’m running out of energy now so I’ll revert to my knitting tonight.