I really should be packing

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

It is well known that I am a last-minute packer but this time I’m leaving it longer than I should. I’ve had a stack of projects sitting out for quite awhile, just waiting to go into the suitcase. In fact, some of them made it into the suitcase yesterday. But what was I doing this morning? I cut out an “extra” project to take along with me, I picked out a pattern and some fabric for a second “extra” project, and then I went through some patterns to see if I should take any to share with Stacia and Deloise.

I had some errands to run this morning and I needed to vote in the advanced poll today. I stopped at the bank, I stopped at the drug store to pick up a prescription, I stopped at the post office to mail a package, I stopped at the Rec Centre to vote and I dropped in at Cranberry Hall to check the mail and pick up a deposit. Everything was going so well. But on the way home the traffic lights were out at one of the major intersections and when I pulled into the Credit Union everything was shut down because of the outage. I knew there would be no sense in stopping at Safeway so I came home.

We have a House Concert the day after I get home so in order to have the beds ready before I leave there was laundry to be done. While I was stripping one of the beds I thought I should wash the quilt that I was using on it. It is an old one – remember the quilts we tied after Mum died? I had noticed that some fabric had worn away around the binding so I thought I should repair it before it went into the laundry. Once I got started I noticed a few other spots in the same condition so I stitched around all of the binding. There were a few other minor repairs that were needed before I finally got it into the wash.

I made another trip out this afternoon and got the rest of my errands taken care of. I’ll attempt to do a quick clean-up of my desk and sewing areas and then I’ll get busy with that packing.