One More Time

Saturday, September 28, 2018

It’s been a busy few days – that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!

Wednesday was a flurry of activity as I did my House Concert cleaning in 15 minute intervals as Pat had breaks in his class schedule. There was some running around to do and a showing at the Hall in the afternoon. At one point in the late afternoon I asked Pat if we were really smart or totally crazy. In anticipation of the arrival of my futon (thank you again Elizabeth and crew) I started moving furniture and bins and boxes around from one studio room to the other. Of course by the end of the day both rooms were in a mess but I think I have enough space cleared for the futon. In the meantime, Pat was busy moving his “office” from the living room to the basement. So, with the exception of the areas of the house required for the House Concert, everything else was a work in progress!

We got the living room set up Thursday morning and I did some fabric cutting so I’d be ready to sew in the afternoon; I missed Tuesday sewing so I wasn’t about to pass on my Thursday group. I had just enough fabric to add another row to my Bloom quilt. I got portions of four blocks put together in the afternoon. I had a specific note that said I needed two blocks with a burgundy centre; of course I did the first two blocks backwards so I set them aside and started making two blocks in the right colour combination. As a result I didn’t even get one block done completely. The blocks are quick to put together and I hope to finish them off on Sunday during my Block and Card Day.

Pat took our performer out for dinner and I finished getting ready for the show. I cleared off the counters, got the dishes, cups and glasses set out and the coffee and tea urns ready to go. I was congratulating myself on remembering everything when it dawned on me that I hadn’t put the water through the filter and in the fridge so it would be cold. I had time to fill all the jugs but I don’t think it was very well chilled; people were drinking it and not complaining though so I guess it was okay. Everyone seemed to arrive within a fifteen minute window so it was a bit chaotic until the show started.

We had a full house and more; we have 28 season ticket holders and it didn’t take long to sell the few seats that were left to make a sell-out. We added a couple more folks after we’d reached sell out but we hate to say no to anyone. I bought four folding chairs at a garage sale this summer and we bought four more on sale at Walmart Thursday morning so we were able to squeeze everyone in; we had been using our deck chairs in the living room and they took up a lot more room than these folding chairs. That being said, it was still a full house!

I was able to run one load through the dishwasher before bed last night and we got most of the living room back together before bed. The last load went through the dishwasher this morning. We’ll catch the noon ferry over to Texada and do the whole show again tonight. The good news is that the show will be at the local cafe so other than bedding and towels the clean-up in the studio will be minimal.